I've been busy this weekend getting all the projects done that I wasn't able to get through this week. It's important to me that I try and use up as much of my stash as possible before I go out and buy more stuff so I have had to adjust some of the projects to use what I had available.

Instead of a fabric pom pom necklace, I decided to have a go at making a yoyo necklace. I love how it turned out! Making the yoyo's was a fun thing to do while I was watching a movie and I added a few of my vintage buttons. I had tried using ribbon but much prefer the old beaded chain I had.

This is going to be a present for a friend as I have WAY to many notebooks as it is! I love the combination of aqua, blue and lime green. That is the last piece of my favourite floral fabric too.

My crafty tool belt was a fun late night project on Friday. I have saved this pink grid fabric for so long so I am glad to finally put it to good use. The grey fabric look quite mottled, because I spilled some paint on it while I was sewing it and had to trow the whole lot in the wash straight away! I kinda like the texture it gives it though. You can hardly see but it has three vintage buttons on it too. This will be good for carrying my ipod while I'm busy crafty or cleaning.
All in all it's been a pretty good week. My style file is filling up pretty quickly and I have a few goals for this week coming. So stay tuned!