Time to take stock...
- make a new handbag
- have a girly weekend in Christchurch
- try on a wedding dress
- make macaroons (Tried, failed, will try again soon)
- re-scalp blythe (I'm halfway but it is taking a loooong time)
- buy myself some beautiful flowers
- eat dinner at a new restaurant
- sell something blythe
- fix blythes gaze
- exercise regularly and lose 10 kilos (I'm serious this time, two weeks in and I've lost a kilo)
- get a pre-approved mortgage
- design/make/print/sell a zine
- buy a pair of levis
- make another pair of pants
- wear bright red lipstick
- crochet a scarf for myself
- have a tea party with friends
- bake a loaf of bread
- finish my ruffle dress
- take an online class
- buy a house
- use my new library card
- save another $2000 (I was halfway there but then I got a dog!)
- get a tattoo
- buy 3 prints i love on etsy
- draw and sell new prints on etsy
- go out and try a new cocktail
- write more letters
Sadly, there are things on this list that I know will not get done this year as my priorities have changed but I think I'm making pretty good progress. Four months to go!