I want to lighten up, to be able to laugh at myself and to not take life quite a seriously. I want to stop using my anxiety as a way of avoiding the world, to not care what people think and to be myself. Easy enough to say but slightly harder in practise.
Day 26: How will you make time?
There is always time, but it is filled with unimportant thought and activities. I want to stop spending so much time zoned out in front of a screen and more time doing things that are important to me.
Day 27: How will you honour your creativity?
Instead of looking and admiring other people's creativity, I want to spend more time working on my own. That means stepping away from the computer and picking up a brush of a pencil, holding a camera or a needle. Do instead of see.
Day 28: How will you overcome *those* fears?
I've come to understand that there is no such thing as overcoming your fears. You just have to be strong enough to do it anyway. Its practising what scares you that makes you see there was nothing to be afraid of in the first place. So I am going to start practising again.
Day 29: Have you heard your word?
My word this year was choose. And that was exactly what I didn't do. Maybe it wasn't the right word or maybe I just didn't put the effort in but it just didn't work for me. My word for next year hasn't come to me yet. I have a few ideas swirling around in my head but the right word hasn't come forward and I'm not going to push it.
Day 30: What can you celebrate now?
I have so much to celebrate and I try and do so every day. It is easy to get caught up the everyday struggles and to feel overwhelmed and tired and negative. But when I really take stock of my life, it is pretty damn good. And I am grateful everyday for a loving family, a great friend and partner, my beautiful and infuriating furry loves, and safe and secure job, a place to call my own and the comfort of friendships that enrich my life.
Day 31: Where are you now?
Right now I feel more rested and relaxed. But as always I am anxious to start the new year and with it, have all the promise of new beginnings.
2013 is going to be MY YEAR because... I choose how I want my life to be and I create the life I want.
In 2013, I am going to do... more to keep myself balanced. Physically, mentally, spiritually and financially.
In 2013, I am going to feel... calmer and happier. I am going to hold on to joy and love and moments of peace.
In 2013, I am not going to... stop taking care of myself. I am going to fill my cup until it overflows.
In December 2013, I am going to look back and say... this was the best year yet.
Did you play along with #reverb12? Its not too late.