- Get married!
Take a class.Try a new restaurant.- Go on holiday.
Create some self-care policies.- Pay off $5000 of debt.
- Complete Project Life.
- Paint a feature wall.
- Reupholster a chair.
- Get my licence.
- Paint a dresser.
- Finish paying off my computer.
- Sell a painting.
- Fill my Smash Book.
- Upcycle my cabinet.
Have professional photos taken.- Fit my wedding dress.
- Find my passion for blogging again.
- Finish my portfolio site.
Have an Arrested Development marathon.- Fill my art journal.
Finish my Secret Project Life album.Find wedding shoes.- Start running.
Put all my old photos in an album.- Decorate the hall.
- Make a vege garden.
- Get more indoor plants.
- Go offline for a while.
Find a ritual to enjoy this winter.- Have a massage.
- Buy myself flowers.
Another year, another list
Another year older and another list of things to try...