I'm participating in Ali Edwards' One Little Word class again this year. I've done this for the last five years. Some years, I get so much out of it, and others (like 2014) I forget about my word pretty quickly and end up in December wondering what happened.
This year my word is choose.
I'm not sure that choose is exactly my ideal word but I've struggled to find something that feels more 'perfect'. So I've decided just to roll with it. I think success is less about the exact word and more about the intentions behind it.
Choose has suited me well in the past, so much so that I've had it tattooed on myself. It was a word that reasonated with me when I was struggling and while I pulled myself out of that hole. So I'm hoping that I can use that history and make the same sort of progress this year.
I've been feeling out of control, trapped and lost, without a purpose. I remember the feeling of choosing what I wanted my life to look like and making it happen.
I want to feel like that again.
Choose means making better choices for myself and my health, to stop reacting so badly and choosingto be more positive, happy and grateful. Choose means I will be more purposeful, spending my time and money more wisely. Choose means letting things go and stop holding on to negativity. Choose means making plans and finding the actions to achieve my goals. Choose is being present, enjoying the here and now, not wishing and dreaming my life away.
This year, I choose to make 2015 the best year yet.