#100tagsofgratitude :: the wrap up

I finally wrapped up my #100tagsofgratitude project last week and although I was somewhat releived to have finally finished and not have the pressure of posting something every day, overall I am so happy I undertook this project.

When I look at ll of these, I am overwhelmed by the gratitude I have felt. Lets face it, there are some days when all I could be grateful for was getting into bed and having the day be over. But mostly, I never struggled to be thankful for at least three things and usually I would think later "Oh, I should have said this, or that," as well.

Undertaking a 100 day project isn't easy but I think it is so worth it. Doing anything for 100 days really gives you a chance for it to become habit. The reality is that I only missed one day but it was because we ended up in the emergency room and I wasn't allowed my phone. But it didn't stop me being grateful and I simply posted the photo the next day.

I can't wait to see what my next 100 day project will be. There will be one, I'm just going to take a break and enjoy the summer holidays and see what comes to me! Have you ever tried a 100 day project? I'd love to hear about it.