Last night we had the worst weather we have had for months! We turned on the electric blanket (have forgotten what cold feels like) and snuggled in to watch a DVD. We got about halfway and heard this drip, drip, drip. Yep, thats right the hallway had sprung a leak.

It was pretty much the last straw for me. I've been sick of this place for a while and noticing more and more the things that needed fixing. Even Shane had had enough. Right, we said, we are outta here. And spent the next few hours trawling the net looking for somewhere else to rent. We finally went to bed about 1.30AM but of course my brain was then on overdrive and I didn't get to sleep till about 3.30AM. My Miss Melly, of course, cares not for when you went to sleep, shes wants to get up at 6 either way. So I am exhausted.
And to make things worse, instead of spending the day like I had planned (arty, crafty and fun) we spent the day driving round looking at dumps, in really crappy neighbourhoods, for way more money then we can afford. So in the end we talked to the landlord about getting some basic maintenance done and the plan is to stay here. If they get it done. Which I am yet to see, they aren't exactly quick with this sort of thing, it took them nine months to come round to fix the garage doors (which we fixed ourselves about 3 days after telling them).
Enough moaning from me though, I just had to get it out. But I am cooking a delicious Roast Chicken Dinner for tea, I really need some comfort. Promise I'll be better tomorrow.