Trina gave me a new Munny for my birthday. I love him and the ideas about what to do with him are flowing through my brain (preventing me from in anyway concentrating on the mundane task I have to do!). I might like to glitter him, sparkle him, crochet him, cupcake him...
or leave him on my shelf for a year like the other one! No, this Munny will be done before my next birthday!
1. munny speakers, 2. Mini Munny: The Colonel - finished, 3. For The Love of Munny, 4. Funny Munny front view B, 5. Mini Munny Tasty Treat series, 6. Munny Side View, 7. The Coronation MUNNY 1, 8. Mini Munny - turn, 9. Munny Buddha, 10. RiV-iT Munny, 11. Motorbot Munny, 12. munny do it ur selfminimunny do it ur self