Opps ...

... I took an unintentional blog break but here's what I've been getting up to while I was gone.

I've been trying really hard to take better care of myself. Some days it works better than others. But each new day is a chance to start over. No guilt, no punishment.

My nails have had a couple more pretty manicures and I've been buying far to many nail polishes. Now they don't all fit on my stand. I think I have a problem.

I managed to catch a nasty bug so I spent a lot of time lying on the couch, sleeping, moaning and watching a million Arrested Development episodes. Luckily the little loves to keep me company.

Slowly but surely I am growing out the last terribly short haircut. I can even manage the worlds tiniest ponytail. Sadly I'm in that terrible in-between stage and I have to resist the urge to lop it all off.

I hopped on a plane and flew to Christchurch to catch up with my mum and sister for the weekend. I ate entirely too much.

I've been trying to throw off the end-of-winter blues and make more of an effort to look and feel nice each day. Sometimes it even works.

Mostly I've just been going through the motions, which I've decided is not enough any more. Time to throw back the covers and dust of the cobwebs and get out and enjoy it!

Have a great weekend!