December (not quite) Daily :: 2012–2015 albums

Before I get into started my December album in earnest this year, I decided to look back through my old albums and film a flip-through while I was at it.

I've been doing December Daily (or my version of it anyway) since 2012 and it was such a blast to look back through these albums.

Because I don't work daily, instead only putting Christmas/holiday/summer related things in, I can fit 2–3 years into each album. I work in 6x8, although 2012 was in a 4x6 format – I ended up putting it into the 6x8 album anyway.

So fun to look through, I've seen quite a few ideas/techniques I hope to use again! Here is the flip-through of my two albums...

You can watch this video on YouTube or subscribe to my YouTube channel here.