Dearlydee Mood Board Challenge :: May

Welcome to the first Dearlydee Mood Board Challenge! This mood board is bright and glorious and makes me smile!

I was inspired by the bright colours and bold text and all those circles in the mood board. And because today is my birthday, I decided there was no better subject matter than recording how I'm feeling right now.

But let me let you in on a little secret. I don't really like the way this page tuned out. It isn't what I imagined it would be, it isn't perfect. And that's the trick to this whole thing, there is no such thing as perfect! I wasn't going to post this page because I don't love it, but I did because I really want you to know that nobody loves EVERYTHING they do ALL the time. And you shouldn't let the fear of something you create not being good enough, stop you from playing and enjoying and documenting your stories!

Here is the process video of how this page came together... 
You can watch this video on YouTube or subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Don't forget to check out the hashtag on Instagram to see some other special pages using this mood board and make sure you use the hashtag #dearlydeemoodboardchallenge if you use the mood board yourself, because I want to see what you make!