My Style File

I spent the greater part of today starting and working on my "style file" for Style School. This was a lot of fun. I wanted it to be really colourful so used all my favourite colours and papers instead of saving them like I usually do. I keep most the designs quite simple.

I made nine dividers instead of five. This was mostly because I miscalculated the numbers when I was dividing but it turned into a happy accident because I had a few different categories and I could add in some for my journaling and the question and answer parts. I'm sure I'll fill them out no problem.

One of my big "projects" for the year is my wedding. I am hopefully getting married March 2011 (depending on finances) but I really have not a clue where to start. If I had my way I'd probably just elope! So hopefully this will be able to give me a good starting point in the direction I'd like to go.

Now I just have to start filling it up. I've made a pretty good start but have heaps more to cut out and put in it. Shame I only have one more day of holidays left!

We also went and saw New Moon today. I totally love these movies. But I really love the books so much more. They cut out so much of the story in the movies. Can't wait for the next installment. I might have to start reading the books again too!