It would be no exaggeration to say that christmas is my favourite time of year. And I squeeze it for every joyful drop! I have quite a few favourite traditions at this time of year. Here are just a few of them...
- Covering the house in christmas trees (I have three!) and candles and ribbons and candy
- Late night Christmas shopping (well browsing mostly since all the shopping is usually already done!)
- Wrapping all my presents while watching my favourite christmas dvd's
- Dancing round the house listening to all my favourite christmas songs
- Baking all sorts of delicious little things like peppermint marshmallows and mini pecan pies
- Carefully planning my christmas present lists then totally blowing them when I find something better
- Sneaking in a little gift buying for myself
- Dreaming about The Meal and all the delicious things I'm going to make
What little traditions do you have during the build up to christmas?