There were so many things that we wanted to do to our house as soon we moved in, but life is pretty busy and the regular chores need doing as well and before long you realise that you've learned to live with the things that "JUST HAD" to go. I still have a steadily growing list of things I'd "LIKE TO" get done, and to create a bit of accountability, here they are:
- Paint the kitchen cupboards
- Build an outdoor bench
- Decorate the bathroom
- Fix the little patch on the roof
- Plant daffodil bulbs for the spring
- Decorate my study
- Put up my curtain tiebacks in the bedroom
- Get a rug/coat rack/shelving for the hallway
- New curtains for the guest room
- Plan and plant a vegetable garden
- Create an easy-care garden with a pretty spot to sit
- Move the large planter and replant my strawberry plants
- Re-gravel the driveway
- Get a new letterbox with actual street numbers
- Replace the outside porch light
- Take down the dying willow tree
I'll try and cross off some of these in the foreseeable future but chances are that for every on I cross off, I'll probably be adding more!