The month is over. On one hand I can't believe how quickly it went and on the other, it seemed to take a long time at some points.
Looking back at my intentions:
I intend to blog everyday. And I did, some were scheduled but such is life.
I intend to not drink soda everyday. I didn't. And it was hard, very hard.
I intend to take a self-portrait everyday. I did. They are above in all their glory.
I learnt that time goes quickly and there is a lot of stuff that I try and pack into that time. Its not necessarily a bad thing, but I don't leave myself much time for doing nothing. I learnt that I really like soda. I'm not going to be diving back into my habit full-tilt but I'll be happy to indulge when I want to. And I remembered to be kind to myself again. Taking photos and really seeing yourself is hard, and doesn't need to be made harder with criticism and self-loathing.
Thanks Blogtober, and all the lovely people who visited me throughout. Its been a blast and I can't wait for next year!