Eye chip removal, not as easy as I had hoped but eventually I got all four sets of eye chips removed, it only took....4 hours! Looks a bit drastic but better then trying to get her scalp off and opening her head up!
New eyechips, I put foil underneath three which makes them nice and sparkly!
Face sanded to remove hideous green eyeshadow and pink lipstick! Tissues to protect brand new eyes!
New makeup, gold/bronze eyeshadow (a bit more subtle) and new darker lips.
A new dress and a photo shoot. I've named her Lorelei.
Still to go, change of hair style, I'm thinking shorter, maybe a little bob and if I can a fringe to hide the edge of her scalp and I want to remove the eyelashes and put more realistic ones in.
But at least I can have her on the shelf now without cringing. The biggest change was removing her hideous dress! I think the Amelia is jealous of her pretty eyes so she might be in for a change too!