A good Mail Day!

It really was a terrible day yesterday, busy at work, two hour delay at doctors, blood tests and a headache. But when I got home last night, everything suddenly got better (until it got much worse again*).

Mail, and lots of it. Good mail too.

I got my fabulously cute fabric from ikoplus which arrived super quick and is even cuter in real life!

My cute tights arrived from Sock Dreams, now this was amazingly quick postage, only a few days which is almost totally unheard of between America and New Zealand. Plus the tights are lovely!

And the lovely Debbie sent me the most fabulous little cardigans for my Blythes. They are so cute and considering she didn't have a doll to fit them to, they are pretty much perfect!

I do love a good mail day.

*I then proceeded to get an upset stomach from dinner and attacked by the cat which left me covered in bandaids and crying in the bathroom. Today is going much better.