Holiday Cards :: Week 7

Another week following along with Kristina Werner's Holiday Card series. Still finding my lack of holiday stamps a bit of an issue but I have resisted buying anything extra. Here are my Week 7 cards...

Planner Love :: DIY Dividers

Someone asked me how I made the dividers for my planner. There are a couple of ways that I created my dividers. When I first got my planner I dove straight in and glued my existing dividers to some patterned paper, cut around the edge, punched some holes and started decorating.


I've used all sorts of things to decorate them, rub-ons, stickers, old postcards, washi tape. The possibilities are endless. And I get to use up my abundance of small letter stickers for the titles! Mostly I just wanted to have fun and if I change my mind or don't like the result, I'll simply make new ones. In fact, I'm pretty sure these are going to be changing often.

But once I decided to make dividers to divide the divisions (!), I had to find another way. I could have just traced the existing dividers onto some more paper or cardstock and then cut them out, but since I'll probably be making a few of these, I created my own cut file for my Silhouette. Then I can cut out as many dividers as I need! I've included the cut file below for those of you with a Silhouette.

A5 Planner Diver Cut file

Project Life :: Week 47

This was a really hard week. Really hard. I've chosen to focus on the good instead of the hard.

Around here

Spring is well and truly taking hold around here, although the forecast for this week might suggest otherwise. Snow, really? With the return of Daylight Savings and the longer evenings, we've been spending a lot more time outside. I love seeing the way my garden has endured the winter and is bouncing back into life. So pretty.

Holiday Cards :: Week 6

I'm still following along with Kristina Werner's Holiday Card series. I found it a wee bit challenging this week with my limited holiday supplies but found that by using the idea behind the card rather than the actual product, I could still get pretty great results, even if the cards aren't exactly the same. Here are my Week 6 cards...

December Daily Plans

I know, I know. It seems far too early to be talking about Christmas but everyone's been talking about the December Daily project since Ali announced this years kit, and it got me thinking about my plans.

I've done attempted a December Daily for the last two years and each year have failed (for various reasons) to complete it. So when I was thinking about this year, and adding another album to the pile, I decided to take another route.

I still have plenty of bits left over from the last two kits and plenty of room left in last years album, so I decided to combine the last two years AND this year into one album. Just the highlights of December rather than a daily thing.

First I took out all the pages from both albums that I didn't love, then I rejigged and added 2012 into the 2013 album. Made myself some divider tabs to separate the years and pulled together all my Christmas-themed bits together for this year.

It was great fun looking back through the last couple of years and I'm looking forward to getting started this year. And finally having a finished album!

Project Life :: Week 46

Once again, I've managed to successfully complete the "Gold on Every Card" challenge! I really loved this month's kit, so much so that while I was sorting through the cards to put together this weeks layout, I couldn't help but put together another two weeks at the same time! Totally ran out of photo paper last week and I've forgotten to restock so everything was printed on textured cardstock this week. I also used a few techniques from the Paint.Plan.Play class – painting and mark-making and stamping, oh my!

Project Life Tips :: Creating my own patterned cards

One way to stretch the embellishments and stamps you have is to create your own cards with them. I love repeating stamps to create my own patterned cards (see how simple it is below).

Another easy way is to use your stash of washi tapes and cover a plain card with one (or more) of them.

Holiday Cards :: Week 5

I'm still following along with Kristina Werner's Holiday Card series.These aren't my favourites so far but it's nice to try a range of different styles . I also took the Online Card Classes Holiday Card Workshop this week so I might be in a little bit of holiday card overload!  Here are my Week 5 cards...

Project Life :: Week 45

Last week I was between kits and I really enjoyed the challenge. This week I was in the same situation and had a totally different reaction. I struggled with every card on here. But my main philosophy with Project Life is always, just keep going, get it done and move on. Which is what I did. And in the end, I'm ok with it. Maybe it's the lack of teal. Anyway, my new kit is due to arrive tomorrow so I'm hoping I won't be in the same situation next week.

Holiday Cards :: Week 4

I'm still following along with Kristina Werner's Holiday Card series. This week I jist couldn't find my card-making-mojo and I ended up redoing every one of these cards 2-3 times until I liked them! Here are my Week 4 cards...

Week In The Life

I hadn't really intended to do Week In The Life this year, mainly because my life feels pretty ordinary and repetitive at the moment. But once Ali announced the dates and I realised that there were a few special things happening that week, I decided to do a very small version that I can slip into my Project Life album.

Each day uses a full 4x6 photo, an instax photo, a smaller photo on a 4x6 card, a day of the week kraft envelope (which hides a journalling card) and some silver embellishments.

Here is my Week In The Life...

Project Life :: Week 44

I'm in between kits at the moment so I used all digital elements this week to create a hybrid spread and I REALLY love it. The "Adventure" card might be one of my all-time faves. I went a bit out of the box with the colour combination, although my beloved teal still makes a strong appearance!